NMGMM holds its first PA Training Workshop in ABQ, hosted by PAPA!


We are thrilled to report that the NMGMM Production Assistant Training workshop in ABQ in October was a success. Young women from six schools were trained to be “set ready” and gain entry level job experience in the film industry. These girls hit it out of the ballpark with their storyboards and creativity. The next day, the NMGMM Mentees got to put what they learned to the test on set of the New Mexico Women in Film Public Service Announcement set for Enlace Comunitario. They worked as PAs in various departments including Camera, Sound, and Assistant Director. A big thanks to Su Hudson of Public Academy for the Performing Arts (PAPA) and her wonderful students for hosting us and to Cat Jones, writer/director of the PSA, and New Mexico Women in Film for giving the young women a great on set opportunity! Please stay tuned here on our website for upcoming PA training workshops!

Jocelyn & Barb